Represent a conversation in Zep’s Memory Store

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The current documentation for Zep Community Edition is available here.

Sessions represent a conversation. Sessions can be associated with Users in a 1:M relationship.

Chat messages are added to sessions in the form of Memories. Each session can have many messages associated with it.

The SessionID is a string key that accepts arbitrary identifiers. Related data you’d like to store can be persisted as metadata.

Adding a Session

SessionIDs are arbitrary identifiers that you can map to relevant business objects in your app, such as users or a conversation a user might have with your app

Note: Sessions don’t need to be explicitly created. Sessions are created automatically when adding Memories. If the SessionID already exists, then the Memory is upserted into the Session. Manually creating a session can be useful if you want to associate it with a user or add metadata.


1async with ZepClient(base_url, api_key) as client:
2 session_id = uuid.uuid4().hex # A new session identifier
3 session = Session(
4 session_id=session_id,
5 user_id=user_id, # Optionally associate this session with a user
6 metadata={"foo" : "bar"}
7 )
8 await client.memory.aadd_session(session)


1const sessionData: ISession = {
2 session_id: sessionID,
3 user_id: userID, // Optionally associate this session with a user
4 metadata: { foo: "bar" },
6const session = new Session(sessionData);
7await client.memory.addSession(session);

Looking to associate a Session with a User? Check out our User Management docs.

Updating Session Metadata

You can update a session’s metadata by providing a Session object with new metadata. Note that metadata is merged, so any existing metadata will be preserved.


1session = Session(session_id=session_id, metadata={"qax" : "baz"})
2await client.memory.aupdate_session(session)


1const sessionData: ISession = {
2 session_id: sessionID,
3 metadata: { qax: "baz" },
5const session = new Session(sessionData);
6await client.memory.updateSession(session);

Getting a Session


1session = await client.memory.aget_session(session_id)


1const session = await client.memory.getSession(sessionID);
2console.debug("Retrieved session ", session.toDict());

Deleting a Session

Deleting a Session soft-deletes the Session and all associated Memories. The Session and Memories are still available in the database, but are marked as deleted and will not be returned in search results.

They will be purged on the next run of the Zep Purge Process.

If you persist memory to a deleted Session, it will be undeleted. Deleted Memories will, however, remain deleted.


1await client.memory.adelete_memory(session_id)


1await client.memory.deleteMemory(sessionID);

Listing Sessions

You can list all Sessions in the Zep Memory Store with optional limit and cursor parameters for pagination. We also provide a helper generator function making it simple to iterate over all Sessions.


1# List the first 10 Sessions
2sessions = client.memory.list_sessions(limit=10, cursor=0)
3for session in sessions:
4 print(session)
6# List All Sessions using a generator
7all_sessions = client.memory.list_all_sessions(chunk_size=100)
8for session_chunk in all_sessions:
9 for session in session_chunk:
10 print(session)


1// List the first 10 Sessions
2const sessions = await client.memory.listSessions(10, 0);
4// List All Sessions using a generator
5for await (const sessionChunk of client.memory.listSessionsChunked(100)) {
6 for (const session of sessionChunk) {
7 console.debug("Retrieved session ", session.toDict());
8 }
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