Using LangGraph and Graphiti

Building an agent with LangChain’s LangGraph and Graphiti

A Jupyter notebook version of this example is available on GitHub.

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The following example demonstrates building an agent using LangGraph. Graphiti is used to personalize agent responses based on information learned from prior conversations. Additionally, a database of products is loaded into the Graphiti graph, enabling the agent to speak to these products.

The agent implements:

  • persistance of new chat turns to Graphiti and recall of relevant Facts using the most recent message.
  • a tool for querying Graphiti for shoe information
  • an in-memory MemorySaver to maintain agent state.

Install dependencies

$pip install graphiti-core langchain-openai langgraph ipywidgets

Ensure that you’ve followed the Graphiti installation instructions. In particular, installation of neo4j.

1import asyncio
2import json
3import logging
4import os
5import sys
6import uuid
7from contextlib import suppress
8from datetime import datetime
9from pathlib import Path
10from typing import Annotated
12import ipywidgets as widgets
13from dotenv import load_dotenv
14from IPython.display import Image, display
15from typing_extensions import TypedDict
1def setup_logging():
2 logger = logging.getLogger()
3 logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
4 console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
5 console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
6 formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
7 console_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
8 logger.addHandler(console_handler)
9 return logger
12logger = setup_logging()

Configure Graphiti

Ensure that you have neo4j running and a database created. You’ll need the following environment variables configured:

1# Configure Graphiti
3from graphiti_core import Graphiti
4from graphiti_core.edges import EntityEdge
5from graphiti_core.nodes import EpisodeType
6from graphiti_core.utils.bulk_utils import RawEpisode
7from graphiti_core.utils.maintenance.graph_data_operations import clear_data
9neo4j_uri = os.environ.get('NEO4J_URI', 'bolt://localhost:7687')
10neo4j_user = os.environ.get('NEO4J_USER', 'neo4j')
11neo4j_password = os.environ.get('NEO4J_PASSWORD', 'password')
13client = Graphiti(
14 neo4j_uri,
15 neo4j_user,
16 neo4j_password,

Generating a database schema

The following is only required for the first run of this notebook or when you’d like to start your database over.

clear_data is destructive and will wipe your entire database.

1# Note: This will clear the database
2await clear_data(client.driver)
3await client.build_indices_and_constraints()

Load Shoe Data into the Graph

Load several shoe and related products into the Graphiti. This may take a while.

This only needs to be done once. If you run clear_data you’ll need to rerun this step.

1async def ingest_products_data(client: Graphiti):
2 script_dir = Path.cwd().parent
3 json_file_path = script_dir / 'data' / 'manybirds_products.json'
5 with open(json_file_path) as file:
6 products = json.load(file)['products']
8 episodes: list[RawEpisode] = [
9 RawEpisode(
10 name=product.get('title', f'Product {i}'),
11 content=str({k: v for k, v in product.items() if k != 'images'}),
12 source_description='ManyBirds products',
13 source=EpisodeType.json,
15 )
16 for i, product in enumerate(products)
17 ]
19 await client.add_episode_bulk(episodes)
22await ingest_products_data(client)

Create a user node in the Graphiti graph

In your own app, this step could be done later once the user has identified themselves and made their sales intent known. We do this here so we can configure the agent with the user’s node_uuid.

1user_name = 'jess'
3await client.add_episode(
4 name='User Creation',
5 episode_body=(f'{user_name} is interested in buying a pair of shoes'),
6 source=EpisodeType.text,
8 source_description='SalesBot',
11# let's get Jess's node uuid
12nl = await client.get_nodes_by_query(user_name)
14user_node_uuid = nl[0].uuid
16# and the ManyBirds node uuid
17nl = await client.get_nodes_by_query('ManyBirds')
18manybirds_node_uuid = nl[0].uuid

Helper Functions and LangChain Imports

1def edges_to_facts_string(entities: list[EntityEdge]):
2 return '-' + '\n- '.join([edge.fact for edge in entities])
1from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, SystemMessage
2from import tool
3from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
4from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
5from langgraph.graph import END, START, StateGraph, add_messages
6from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode

get_shoe_data Tool

The agent will use this to search the Graphiti graph for information about shoes. We center the search on the manybirds_node_uuid to ensure we rank shoe-related data over user data.

2async def get_shoe_data(query: str) -> str:
3 """Search the graphiti graph for information about shoes"""
4 edge_results = await
5 query,
6 center_node_uuid=manybirds_node_uuid,
7 num_results=10,
8 )
9 return edges_to_facts_string(edge_results)
12tools = [get_shoe_data]
13tool_node = ToolNode(tools)

Initialize the LLM and bind tools

1llm = ChatOpenAI(model='gpt-4o-mini', temperature=0).bind_tools(tools)

Test the tool node

1await tool_node.ainvoke({'messages': [await llm.ainvoke('wool shoes')]})
2 "messages": [
3 {
4 "content": "-The product 'Men's SuperLight Wool Runners - Dark Grey (Medium Grey Sole)' is made of Wool.\n- Women's Tree Breezers Knit - Rugged Beige (Hazy Beige Sole) has sizing options related to women's move shoes half sizes.\n- TinyBirds Wool Runners - Little Kids - Natural Black (Blizzard Sole) is a type of Shoes.\n- The product 'Men's SuperLight Wool Runners - Dark Grey (Medium Grey Sole)' belongs to the category Shoes.\n- The product 'Men's SuperLight Wool Runners - Dark Grey (Medium Grey Sole)' uses SuperLight Foam technology.\n- TinyBirds Wool Runners - Little Kids - Natural Black (Blizzard Sole) is sold by Manybirds.\n- Jess is interested in buying a pair of shoes.\n- TinyBirds Wool Runners - Little Kids - Natural Black (Blizzard Sole) has the handle TinyBirds-wool-runners-little-kids.\n- ManyBirds Men's Couriers are a type of Shoes.\n- Women's Tree Breezers Knit - Rugged Beige (Hazy Beige Sole) belongs to the Shoes category.",
5 "name": "get_shoe_data",
6 "tool_call_id": "call_EPpOpD75rdq9jKRBUsfRnfxx"
7 }
8 ]

Chatbot Function Explanation

The chatbot uses Graphiti to provide context-aware responses in a shoe sales scenario. Here’s how it works:

  1. Context Retrieval: It searches the Graphiti graph for relevant information based on the latest message, using the user’s node as the center point. This ensures that user-related facts are ranked higher than other information in the graph.

  2. System Message: It constructs a system message incorporating facts from Graphiti, setting the context for the AI’s response.

  3. Knowledge Persistence: After generating a response, it asynchronously adds the interaction to the Graphiti graph, allowing future queries to reference this conversation.

This approach enables the chatbot to maintain context across interactions and provide personalized responses based on the user’s history and preferences stored in the Graphiti graph.

1class State(TypedDict):
2 messages: Annotated[list, add_messages]
3 user_name: str
4 user_node_uuid: str
7async def chatbot(state: State):
8 facts_string = None
9 if len(state['messages']) > 0:
10 last_message = state['messages'][-1]
11 graphiti_query = f'{"SalesBot" if isinstance(last_message, AIMessage) else state["user_name"]}: {last_message.content}'
12 # search graphiti using Jess's node uuid as the center node
13 # graph edges (facts) further from the Jess node will be ranked lower
14 edge_results = await
15 graphiti_query, center_node_uuid=state['user_node_uuid'], num_results=5
16 )
17 facts_string = edges_to_facts_string(edge_results)
19 system_message = SystemMessage(
20 content=f"""You are a skillfull shoe salesperson working for ManyBirds. Review information about the user and their prior conversation below and respond accordingly.
21 Keep responses short and concise. And remember, always be selling (and helpful!)
23 Things you'll need to know about the user in order to close a sale:
24 - the user's shoe size
25 - any other shoe needs? maybe for wide feet?
26 - the user's preferred colors and styles
27 - their budget
29 Ensure that you ask the user for the above if you don't already know.
31 Facts about the user and their conversation:
32 {facts_string or 'No facts about the user and their conversation'}"""
33 )
35 messages = [system_message] + state['messages']
37 response = await llm.ainvoke(messages)
39 # add the response to the graphiti graph.
40 # this will allow us to use the graphiti search later in the conversation
41 # we're doing async here to avoid blocking the graph execution
42 asyncio.create_task(
43 client.add_episode(
44 name='Chatbot Response',
45 episode_body=f"{state['user_name']}: {state['messages'][-1]}\nSalesBot: {response.content}",
46 source=EpisodeType.message,
48 source_description='Chatbot',
49 )
50 )
52 return {'messages': [response]}

Setting up the Agent

This section sets up the Agent’s LangGraph graph:

  1. Graph Structure: It defines a graph with nodes for the agent (chatbot) and tools, connected in a loop.

  2. Conditional Logic: The should_continue function determines whether to end the graph execution or continue to the tools node based on the presence of tool calls.

  3. Memory Management: It uses a MemorySaver to maintain conversation state across turns. This is in addition to using Graphiti for facts.

1graph_builder = StateGraph(State)
3memory = MemorySaver()
6# Define the function that determines whether to continue or not
7async def should_continue(state, config):
8 messages = state['messages']
9 last_message = messages[-1]
10 # If there is no function call, then we finish
11 if not last_message.tool_calls:
12 return 'end'
13 # Otherwise if there is, we continue
14 else:
15 return 'continue'
18graph_builder.add_node('agent', chatbot)
19graph_builder.add_node('tools', tool_node)
21graph_builder.add_edge(START, 'agent')
22graph_builder.add_conditional_edges('agent', should_continue, {'continue': 'tools', 'end': END})
23graph_builder.add_edge('tools', 'agent')
26graph = graph_builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)

Our LangGraph agent graph is illustrated below.

1with suppress(Exception):
2 display(Image(graph.get_graph().draw_mermaid_png()))

LangGraph Illustration

Running the Agent

Let’s test the agent with a single call

1await graph.ainvoke(
2 {
3 'messages': [
4 {
5 'role': 'user',
6 'content': 'What sizes do the TinyBirds Wool Runners in Natural Black come in?',
7 }
8 ],
9 'user_name': user_name,
10 'user_node_uuid': user_node_uuid,
11 },
12 config={'configurable': {'thread_id': uuid.uuid4().hex}},
2 "messages": [
3 {
4 "content": "What sizes do the TinyBirds Wool Runners in Natural Black come in?",
5 "id": "6a940637-70a0-4c95-a4d7-4c4846909747",
6 "type": "HumanMessage"
7 },
8 {
9 "content": "The TinyBirds Wool Runners in Natural Black are available in the following sizes for little kids: 5T, 6T, 8T, 9T, and 10T. \n\nDo you have a specific size in mind, or are you looking for something else? Let me know your needs, and I can help you find the perfect pair!",
10 "additional_kwargs": {
11 "refusal": null
12 },
13 "response_metadata": {
14 "token_usage": {
15 "completion_tokens": 76,
16 "prompt_tokens": 314,
17 "total_tokens": 390
18 },
19 "model_name": "gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18",
20 "system_fingerprint": "fp_f33667828e",
21 "finish_reason": "stop",
22 "logprobs": null
23 },
24 "id": "run-d2f79c7f-4d41-4896-88dc-476a8e38bea8-0",
25 "usage_metadata": {
26 "input_tokens": 314,
27 "output_tokens": 76,
28 "total_tokens": 390
29 },
30 "type": "AIMessage"
31 }
32 ],
33 "user_name": "jess",
34 "user_node_uuid": "186a845eee4849619d1e625b178d1845"

Viewing the Graph

At this stage, the graph would look something like this. The jess node is INTERESTED_IN the TinyBirds Wool Runner node. The image below was generated using Neo4j Desktop.

Graph State

Running the Agent interactively

The following code will run the agent in a Jupyter notebook event loop. You can modify the code to suite your own needs.

Just enter a message into the box and click submit.

1conversation_output = widgets.Output()
2config = {'configurable': {'thread_id': uuid.uuid4().hex}}
3user_state = {'user_name': user_name, 'user_node_uuid': user_node_uuid}
6async def process_input(user_state: State, user_input: str):
7 conversation_output.append_stdout(f'\nUser: {user_input}\n')
8 conversation_output.append_stdout('\nAssistant: ')
10 graph_state = {
11 'messages': [{'role': 'user', 'content': user_input}],
12 'user_name': user_state['user_name'],
13 'user_node_uuid': user_state['user_node_uuid'],
14 }
16 try:
17 async for event in graph.astream(
18 graph_state,
19 config=config,
20 ):
21 for value in event.values():
22 if 'messages' in value:
23 last_message = value['messages'][-1]
24 if isinstance(last_message, AIMessage) and isinstance(
25 last_message.content, str
26 ):
27 conversation_output.append_stdout(last_message.content)
28 except Exception as e:
29 conversation_output.append_stdout(f'Error: {e}')
32def on_submit(b):
33 user_input = input_box.value
34 input_box.value = ''
35 asyncio.create_task(process_input(user_state, user_input))
38input_box = widgets.Text(placeholder='Type your message here...')
39submit_button = widgets.Button(description='Send')
42conversation_output.append_stdout('Asssistant: Hello, how can I help you find shoes today?')
44display(widgets.VBox([input_box, submit_button, conversation_output]))
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