Chat History Memory


A summary for the last or trailing N messages is generated on every new message added to a Session.

N is a configurable get memory argument. The default value is 6.

The first summary is generated after the first N messages are added to a Session.

Summaries are generated asynchronously.

Zep uses a proprietary, low-latency summarization model to generate dialog summaries asynchronously. This means that summary generation does not delay your requests to retrieve Memories from Zep.

List of Summaries

Accessing Summaries

Summaries are added to Memory responses when you retrieve a Session’s Memory, enabling your prompt to be populated with both the most recent messages and a summary the more distant history.

Perpetual Memory

Zep searches for summaries relevant to the current conversation, summaries high-scoring summaries that are returned from search and includes this summary in your Memory request.

Message Window Buffer Memory

Zep automatically determines which summary to add to a response based on your configured Message Window and the number of messages in the Session.